Detachment is SO crucial because it is proof that you are leading a trusted, EMPOWERED team. This is the pinnacle of delegation mastery. I’m so excited to explore this topic with you today. This episode is part 4 of the 4 D’s of Delegation Mastery: Decide (what to...
There is so much FREEDOM that comes with delegation. It’s an investment, it takes work, but it pays dividends to your mental health and time with family to be able to step away, eat dinner with your kids and know that your business is still OK. The actual act of...
In today’s episode, I am going to teach you how to delegate through DOCUMENTING your processes. Documentation and delegation are how you set your business up to scale. Why is documenting each process so important? Because most tasks in your business are repeatable...
Over the next couple of weeks I want to go back to my roots. I want to go back to WHY I called this podcast, Diary of a Doer, in the first place. This podcast was born from YEARS of me learning what NOT to do. I was the Doer in my business. So many leaders are!...
My Talent Acquisition team interviews prospective executive assistants all day, every day. That means, they’ve seen it all. Today, we’re pulling back the curtain to reveal the cooky and crazy we’ve seen during a Zoom interview, from taxidermied animals to naked men...
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