The Power of Choosing for Yourself over Choosing to Be Accepted

There’s this one simple, remarkable question that we have never stopped asking ourselves subconsciously ever since we were kids: Who are you going to be? And this internal friction happens when you want to choose for yourself and choose what you feel is the right...

Which Intangible Qualities Should an Executive Assistant Have?

A lot of executives often seem to overlook the soft, intangible qualities when hiring an EA. These are the ones that actually determine whether an EA is good, or truly exceptional. Here are the 4 qualities to look for in an EA (if you want them to spell SUCCESS for...
Episode 062: Four Qualities I look for in an EA

Episode 062: Four Qualities I look for in an EA

What qualities do you look for when you’re hiring an EA? While many executives already know the tangible qualities they want in a support person, they often don’t think about the soft, intangible skills. I’ve listed four qualities that make the difference...