Detachment is SO crucial because it is proof that you are leading a trusted, EMPOWERED team.
This is the pinnacle of delegation mastery. I’m so excited to explore this topic with you today.
This episode is part 4 of the 4 D’s of Delegation Mastery: Decide (what to delegate), Document (your process), Delegate (like a master), Detach (empower your team).
Make sure you listen to the previous episodes to lay a foundation for what we discuss today!
In today’s episode you’ll hear:
– Detaching does not mean you no longer have a hand in your business.
– How hiring the RIGHT person enables healthy detachment.
– How to set expectations for success so you can delegate with CONFIDENCE.
– Why Leaders need to implement the 4Es (Encourage, Equip, Empower, Engage) to grow their relationship with their assistant.
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Supporting Resources:
GUIDE: 10 Ways to Profitably Leverage an EA
10 Tasks to Delegate Today
How to Empower Your Virtual Assistant
Checkpoints and Check-ins That Make You a Great Leader