Season 2 Episode 43: Overcoming Decision Fatigue

Season 2 Episode 43: Overcoming Decision Fatigue

Today we’re talking about something I suffer from every. Damn. day. It is DECISION FATIGUE. The longer I lead, the more I get why some people wear black T-Shirts and jeans every single day. It’s so they have the bandwidth to decide what book cover they want, or what...
Season 2 Episode 42: Stop Identifying As What You Do

Season 2 Episode 42: Stop Identifying As What You Do

When Simone Biles withdrew from multiple Olympic events for her mental health, she received an outpouring of support.  In a statement she said, “The outpouring of love and support…has made me realize I am much more than my accomplishments and gymnastics, which I...
Season 2 Episode 41: Your Business Should Serve the Whole Person

Season 2 Episode 41: Your Business Should Serve the Whole Person

No matter what your business is, you serve people.  You’re not just “doing stuff” or “providing a service” — you are solving a problem that a person has.  The trouble is, many of us start looking at the people we serve in a silo. We don’t see them, or serve...
Season 2 Episode 40: Making Healthy Boundaries a Habit

Season 2 Episode 40: Making Healthy Boundaries a Habit

Boundaries are a learned skill, whether you are an assistant, a leader, or a team member. We all have to practice setting and holding boundaries. We have to make it a habit. In this episode, I want to explore how to improve your boundaries as a leader. I’ll also touch...