Desperation, or hunger to succeed without a backup plan, may be what determines your early success as an entrepreneur, but it can’t be your modus operandi. Desperation functions like a stinky perfume most prospects can sense a mile away. Today we are talking about how...
As leaders, we want to be approachable and open. We want our team members to feel comfortable talking about their personal life with us. But sometimes, it goes too far. Stuff at home, or emotional insecurities, can affect how our team performs at work. How can you...
In my role, I often get inquiries from people looking for EA jobs. They either want to be hired as a Priority VA or want help pitching themselves for work elsewhere. Most of the people I connect with are great, but there’s always that one person who just gets on...
In your role as an executive, you are CONSTANTLY bombarded with interruptions. They make it hard to be productive, don’t they? Rather than trying to multitask (which zaps your energy), I’m going to share practical strategies to manage your interruptions....
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