Season 3 Episode 48: Getting your needs met with Guardrails

Season 3 Episode 48: Getting your needs met with Guardrails

As we come to the end of a year, it feels natural to start thinking about how we can change things for the better in the coming year. It’s the typical time for taking stock of what worked in business and our personal lives, and I want to harness that energy and make...
Season 3 Episode 47: Making the Most of Idea Capture

Season 3 Episode 47: Making the Most of Idea Capture

As we nudge closer to the end of the year as leaders, our minds have already skipped to 2023 and all of the things we want to accomplish.  And I love this, I love planning, I love feeling ahead and I want to share with you today what I think is the best way to do it...
Season 3 Episode 46: Breakdown to Rebuild

Season 3 Episode 46: Breakdown to Rebuild

94% of entrepreneurs and 88% of job seekers say that a healthy culture at work is vital for success. Ninety freakin four percent.  Not just nice to have Not just helps get people in the door Not just looks good  but VITAL Vital for the success of your business.  Now,...
Season 3 Episode 45: What You Need to Know about EAs vs. VAs

Season 3 Episode 45: What You Need to Know about EAs vs. VAs

Have you guys ever wondered: what is the difference between an Executive Assistant and a Virtual Assistant? When you are in the weeds of your business — you don’t really care what a person calls themselves — EA or VA — you are just eager for help. Trust me, I’ve been...
Season 3 Episode 44: Strengthen Your Rusty Delegation Muscles

Season 3 Episode 44: Strengthen Your Rusty Delegation Muscles

It’s hard to let go and delegate tasks, even if you know it’s the right thing to do for your business.  You’re probably feeling a lot of pressure to do everything yourself. You might be worried that delegation doesn’t feel natural and that you’re not...