In my role, I often get inquiries from people looking for EA jobs. They either want to be hired as a Priority VA or want help pitching themselves for work elsewhere.
Most of the people I connect with are great, but there’s always that one person who just gets on my nerves.
In this episode of the podcast, I want to share about a time a job seeker realllyyy bothered me.
Why? Because they f*cked with my time and LIED to get ahead.
EAs, if you’re listening, consider this episode what NOT to do to advance your careers.
Leaders…this woman is proof that you can’t always trust a resume or face behind a Zoom call. I’ll share some tips for getting the truth out in an interview.
In today’s episode you’ll hear:
– Why I ALWAYS recommend leaders conduct interviews on camera.
– The importance of leading with TRANSPARENCY so the candidate on the other side of the call knows exactly what they’re getting into.
– How to poke candidates “like a chicken” to find out if they can really deliver on the promises in their resume.
– Why I hire and FIRE to values. This episode is the reason why!
– Why leveraging the support of a trusted partner like Priority VA can save you from shady candidates.
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Supporting Resources:
Season 2, Episode 22: Behind The Scenes: Inside the Mind of our Talent Acquisition Team
Priority MATCH Services
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