All business owners can relate to that feeling of hindsight being 20/20. A quote I recently heard, “I have no desire to suffer twice, in reality and then in retrospect,” got me thinking about six things I would change if I was starting Priority VA over again with my husband.
I can’t go back in time to make any of these changes. But, the life lessons I’ve learned are invaluable to helping me make wiser choices moving forward.
In this episode, you’ll hear the six ways I would change my business if I could go back in time and start over.
- I would have focused on growing MYSELF from the start, instead of focusing so much on growing the business. Starting a business is hard work. Period. But, I spent so much time trying to grow the business quickly, that I neglected to grow it strategically. In hindsight, I would have grown the business more slowly if it meant I took better care of myself in the process.
- I would have went all-in on learning how to write. Business owners are communicators! If I could have mastered direct response writing, I would have saved so much time figuring out how to sell, without sounding slimy.
- I would have chosen a different business name. Our name often gets confused with the VA or the state of Virginia. But it also doesn’t reflect the long-term solutions I really wanted to provide our clients.
- I’d have not been shy about asking for the SALE, or the TESTIMONIAL. I was so proud of our work, but when it came to asking for the sale or testimonial, I always clammed up. To make matters worse, if we got the sale, I’d significantly under charge. It took me getting really pissed off to finally make some changes.
- I would have attended more diverse events & went ALL in on Relationships Early. There are so many events that I should have prioritized going to way sooner in my career, like: UnderGround and MMT, and groups like EO, Maverick, Baby Bathwater, and Abundance360. And now when I register for events, I always scan the social media profiles of past attendees to find out if our ideal client will attend.
- I would have delegated more outcomes that I thought only I could do. This is the Achilles Heel of being an entrepreneur. It took me almost two years to fully hand over my email. What I should have done sooner is document the processes I knew and get them off my todo list entirely. When we do this, we’re likely to find that once it’s off our plate and in someone else’s ownership, they’ll find a better, faster, cheaper or more efficient way than you did.
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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Nathalie Lussier: If I Had to Start My Business Over Again From Scratch in 2019
Smart Passive Income: If I Had to Start Over, This is What I’d Do Differently
Episode Credits
If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.
He helps thought leaders, influencers, executives, HR professionals, recruiters, lawyers, realtors, bloggers, coaches, and authors create, launch, and produce podcasts that grow their business and impact the world.
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