How do we show up as lean, mean, fighting machines for our companies, without compromising our sanity?
The answer is pretty simple:
We need to be DISCIPLINED to protect our most valuable assets: our money, our time, and our energy.
This is easier said than done.
Left to our own devices — or without accountability — we waste our time juggling tasks that could easily be delegated.
We make excuses for poor judgment with our finances.
We believe we must do everything in our business, which drains our energy.
In today’s episode, I am going to share with you how we can combat the vicious cycles that keep us from optimizing our money, time, and energy.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- Ways to be disciplined in your money, time and, energy
- The Momentum Method™ — our lean, mean, bootstrapping-approved online course to help you grow your business on a BUDGET.
- How to connect with me!
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