Adoption isn’t as glamorous as many celebrities make out out to be. Brad and Angelina made it seem so easy!
The ugly truth is, there’s crying for hours on end, trauma, therapy, and the list of needs goes on and on. One year after fostering a child that felt all-consuming to me, I thought I was going to crack.
There’s something in the adoption and foster care world called respite. It’s an opportunity to provide foster parents a much needed break. Rather than taking advantage of respite care, I took a different approach. The more drained I felt, the harder I pressed in. Later nights and earlier morning led to a crankier Trivinia.
For me, respite seemed like a bad idea. I didn’t need this child I’d been working so diligently with to struggle with new care providers or bonding with strangers. It just didn’t feel right. As parents, we try to do what’s right by our kids and sometimes, we choose wrong. I resisted… until I’d had enough. The reality is, avoiding respite was the bad idea.
In so many ways, this story of respite was the catalyst for the business I built in Priority VA.
Are you there in your business? At one point in Priority VA, I needed respite not from parenting but trying to do everything in my business alone. Ironic, huh?!
In this episode, you’ll hear all about the time I sacrificed my emotional well-being, why you shouldn’t do your business alone (obviously, I like to learn the hard way!), what respite looks like in your business, how to structure your work day, and creating ways to build respite into your calendar (this will be your favorite part of the whole episode!).
Respite in business, as in parenting, is critical for your emotional well-being. Listen here to learn how you can build respite into your normal routine.
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