As a nation, we’ve helped each other in ways we never thought possible at this time of the COVID-19 crisis. And it’s amazing how all these companies have come together to help each other out.
But what value does radical service can bring to your life and your business?
- Serving has been shown to have its health benefits.
Studies have shown that serving others actually helps alleviate depression and chronic pain. One study even showed that it reduced the risk of hypertension by 40% in volunteers who served at least 200 hours a year. Serving refocuses your stress and it gets you out of your fear cycles in this revolving door of anxiety.
- Serving keeps you from focusing on the bottom line all the time.
Companies who put their people over their profit and put their message in front of their margins do better. Leaders who aren’t just focused on their bottom line can improve the bottom line of everyone.
Finally, always remember that when you serve…
- Serve people based on their needs, not yours.
A lot of influencers simply give a certain formula to arrive at this predetermined destination. And the reason most people don’t follow through is that they’re not following their plan. They’re following someone else’s. Instead, serve people based on their needs, and their desires – not your own. The point is to give without the expectation of supporting your own agenda.
- Do not ignore your needs to the point that giving becomes a detriment to yourself.
We tend to think of selflessness as a good thing. But if left unchecked, this can lead to burnout and depleted resources to the point that it’s doing you more harm than good. So while you’re giving, be sure you also have other people around you who will call the fights when you’re giving too much – whether it’s a friend, a mentor, a coach, or somebody in your team.
If you want to learn more about how you can play your part of serving others, check out the Diary of a Doer Podcast.