Whether you fear letting go, or need to be in control at all times, there are always reasons that you will struggle to delegate.
My question for you is: Aren’t you tired of standing in your own way? Aren’t you sick of feeling like work has to be done by YOU for it to be done well?
I see you working with your Executive Assistant to lighten your load, and for that, I give you props. But, I know for a fact that some of you are STILL holding onto things that have no business being on your plate.
Today, I’m going to teach you how to set clear delegation goals with your EA. No more bullshit or excuses. It’s time to get that work off your plate — for good.
In today’s episode, I want to discuss:
- We’re going to review what you need to delegate. I have a really simple exercise to remember what’s worth your time and what can be handed off!
- I answer your questions about how many priorities to set with your EA… do you prioritize a little or a lot? You will find out!
- You’ll get tips on how to set and review milestones. Check-ins are important… AND you can review them during your existing 1:1 meeting.
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Supporting Resources:
A Leader’s New Hire Checklist
Schedule a FREE strategy call!
Delegate: Like a Master
Detach: Empower Your Team