Many leaders tend to shy away from being brutally honest with themselves and with their team. 

But you have to know how you’re people are doing and what things are required of you as a leader in order to build a higher level of trust with them.

Here are 10 questions you need to ask your team:

  1. If you could outsource one thing right now, what would it be? 

Find out if some tasks of certain team members are better suited for someone else’s expertise. 

  1. If there was $500 to $1,000 a year that you could spend on a software or a system that would make your job easier, what would it be and how would you use it? 

Don’t discount their ideas for improving their role. $500 or $1,000 a year could potentially exponentially make their part in your business go so much smoother. 

  1. Is there a role in the team that’s missing? If so, what is it? 

If you’re a leader who likes to combine three roles into one so you can cut costs or attempt to create efficiency, this is the time that you’re going to hear about it. 

  1. What’s the number one thing you love doing here and why? 

Skill can be taught, but passion can’t. Consider giving someone a role which they would love so they feel more fulfilled in their role.

  1. If we could create anything here, what would you love to see for our customers? And why? 

You can get by and far more easily when you ask your team for their ideas for the future – and it can inspire some really creative thinking as well. 

  1. If you had a magic wand to fix anything in the business, what would it be? 

Many business owners default to blaming others for the issues in their business – when really, most things are a process problem, not a people problem. 

  1. What do you need most from me right now? 

Assure your team that they can be honest with you about what they need and that they can come to you at any time. 

  1. What does this [insert challenge or situation] make possible? 

This is your chance to shift your perspective on a problem or situation, move beyond fear, and create an opportunity. 

  1. How would you describe the impact of what you’ve accomplished in the past quarter and what could make it better? 

Check in with your team and make sure that your vision and values are coming to life in their role. 

  1. What are our team strengths? And where are we weak? 

To achieve momentum, all members of the team need to be moving in the same direction. 

You can 100% reuse these questions to your team every other week or quarter. If you show up for them, they’ll show up for you. When you fully engage to know them – their hopes and their struggles – you get better output.

If you want to learn more about building a powerful team within your organization, check out the Diary of a Doer Podcast on