I’m Excited to Have You as a Guest

Please take a minute to read through this page and make sure you’re prepped and ready for our interview.

The Interview

Our interviews are short! We block out 45 minutes to be safe, but the actual episode length/recording time is roughly 20-30 minutes. We usually spend a few minutes chatting prior to hitting that record button to make sure we’re on the same page in regards to topics and to work out any technical kinks.

What You’ll Need

  • Zoom meeting link (meeting link can be found in your interview confirmation email)
  • Microphone (iPhone headphones are completely fine!)
  • Quiet room (background noise is easily picked up)

Cancelations/ Rescheduling

If you need to reschedule, PLEASE let us know with as much advance notice as possible (7+ days). We’ll be able to work with you on a new day and time, and will be able to fill your previous slot with another guest (we’ve got a long waiting list). And please, please don’t flake out. That’s just shitty.

Interview Questionnaire

To help streamline the podcasting process, would you please fill out this short form? This way, we have your bio, headshot, and relevant links ready for when we talk.

[gravityform id=”1″ title=”false” description=”false”]